Wong on Civil Liability

Financial Planners' Liability in Australia

Work-in-progress, 12 August 2024

[A18] Financial Advisors/Planners: 

[A18.1] Duty of Care: See, ABN Amro Bank NV v Bathurst Regional Council [2014] FCAFC 65, [1101], [1109], [1111]: "1101. The primary judge found that LGFS owed to the NRB Councils a duty which included a duty to exercise reasonable care and skill in: (a) analysing investments being considered on behalf of the NRB Councils and identifying the risks associated with the investment; (b) only recommending investments that were suitable for the NRB Councils and (c) properly providing the NRB Councils with all material information about the investment that might reasonably be considered as bearing upon the investment decision:  J[2263]-J[2265]. ... 1109. These contentions fail for a number of reasons.  First, at trial, LGFS did not contend that the content of these duties of a financial advisor was inconsistent with the statutory regime in the Corporations Act regulating the conduct of financial advisors. The alleged inconsistency was only relied on by LGFS if LGFS was found to be a mere salesman. The primary judge correctly rejected the contention that LGFS was a mere salesman: see [1023]-[1024] above and J[2262]. ... 1111.Legally, there is no disconformity between the statutory provisions identified by LGFS and the content of the duties identified in [1101] above:  Ingot Capital Investments Pty Ltd v Macquarie Equity Capital Markets Ltd (No 6) (2007) 63 ACSR 1 at 140 [540(7)] and 148 cf [588]. That last statement requires further explanation.".

[A18.2] Scope of the Duty of Care: 

[A18.3] Tax (Financial) Advice - what is: Galea v Camilleri; The Estate of Patricia Camilleri [2023] NSWSC 206, [856]. 

[A18.4] "financial product advice" - what is

[A18.5] Duty to advice/inform/warn (even incidentally)

[A18.Z] Misc

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