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Sir Samuel Griffith, an apparently racist man, and on the question of coloured labour and coloured immigration, of dubious integrity:

"Many writers of Queensland history have found the character of Griffith elusive in view of the difficulty which confronts them of reconciling his actions with his stated beliefs—and on no one question does he emerge as a figure of more dubious integrity than on the whole question of coloured labour. It seems, however, that the Indian coolie labour question can throw some light on this embarrassing dualism which was Griffith the man and Griffith the politician. Much of the confusion surrounding his person is due in no small part to the conflict between Griffith's vehement denunciations of coloured labour and the actual steps he took to give effect to his pronouncements. And his views were certainly explicit. First, he doubted the validity of the assumption that the climate of North Queensland was unsuitable for white labour: "I believe that the land can be cultivated by Europeans and that it will be so cultivated, but under different conditions, unless that result is defeated by the introduction of Asiatic labourers in large numbers . . .".  Second, he was particularly concerned with the political consequences of a well-established system of coloured labour: "It is not desirable regarding Queens- land or the northern portion of it, as a country which is to be civilised and governed on the model adopted in the rest of the Australian colonies, that a servile race should be introduced who can never be admitted to a share of political power, and whose interests will need protection by a paternal government . . .".  Third, he feared the social and economic effects of Asiatic intrusion in a European society: "There .. . is no country in which Asiatic and European labourers are found working side by side on terms of equality. Where the Asiatic predominate or are admitted in considerable numbers, it is invariably found that they, being able to save money out of a pittance . . . would by degrees monopolise all branches of industry." ... Griffith's persistent efforts to repeal the Indian Coolie Acts might be interpreted as no more than an innocuous sop proffered to the opponents of coloured labour in general, and a compromise of his own vigorous beliefs—that he was " 'humbugging' the public . . . that he was not really doing anything about the coloured labour problem . . .that he was hauling the dead coolie out of his grave simply to bury him for political purposes." ... More than once he was criticised in this vein. "It is a mere trifling with the difficulty to talk about repeal- ing the Indian Immigration Acts as a preventive against the colony being flooded with low class Asiatic labour ... . Mr. Griffith and his followers are solemnly assuring the country that they will never allow the white labourers to be crowded out by coloured men, while the coloured men are landing literally in thousands. He told Mr. Black that it would be a poor way of preventing such an influx of Indian coolies, but he must surely know that the only reason why planters are importing miscellaneous labour is because they are not permitted to bring over Indians ... ".  However, such outright condemnation as this was totally unjustified; and while it is never possible to understand the enigma which is any man, it is possible to explain (and to a large extent vindicate) his actions by constructing a balanced view of the whole complex of motives which underlies them. It is the relationship of the North Queensland Separation Movement to the coloured labour issue which completes this complex in Griffith's case; and it is this which provides the key to an understanding of Griffith's actions just as coolie labour provided Griffith with the key to an under- standing of the place which coloured labour held in the Separatist scheme of things.": I N Moles, 'The Indian Coolie Labour Issue in Queensland' (1957) <https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:212965>, citing Griffiths to Governor of Queensland, 1/4/1885; Q.V. & P. (1885), Vol 1 pp 380-381.

Arthur Calwell - another inadvertent racist: 

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