Citations and Discussions
Farid Sufian Shuaib and Zuraidah Ali, 'Integrity and Fairness in the Pursuit of Justice' (2023) 31(1) International Islamic University Malaysia Law Journal i <>.
Charlie Irvine, 'Does Mediation Deliver Justice? The Perspective of Unrepresented Parties' (PhD Thesis, Queen Margaret University, 2024) 193 <>.
Jobien Monster, 'Agrarian Change and the Evolution of Law: Turning the Tables in Developing Legal Order' (PhD Thesis, University of Groningen, 2024) 58 (n 193) <>.
Dewi Sulistianingsih and Yuli Prasetyo Adhi, 'Menjelajahi Penyelesaian Senggketa Melalui Mediasi Pada Masyarakat Pedesaan' (2023) 1 Hukum dan Politik dalam Berbagai Perspektif 1-23 <>.
Joana Roxo Saraiva Gonçalves, 'Convenção De Singapura A Harmonização Dos Conflitos Comerciais Internacionais' (LLM Thesis, Nova School of Law [Proquest Theses], 2022) 53 (n 104) <>.
Bianca Bregas and Joana Gonçalves, 'Artigo 2, No 3' (2021) 3 Anuário do ADR Lab – Laboratório de Resolução Alternativa de Litígios (Yearbook of the ADR Lab) 49, 53-4 <>, archived at <>.
Steve Hedley, 'Jing Zhi Wong, ‘Is Mediation a Process of “Law”? A Hart-ian Perspective’' (Private Law Theory, 10 April 2021) <>, archived at <>.
Renae Barker and Camilla Andersen, 'What is a Child? Developing and Testing the Methodology for Comparative Research on Legal Age Limits: The Australian Model Advancing an International Study' (2023) 49(2) Monash University Law Review 191, 193-4 .
陳芃叡 [Chen Peng-Hiei], '從查戈斯群島諮詢意見觀察民族自決之司法實踐 [Reviewing Judiciary Practices of Self-Determination in Light of the International Court of Justice’s Advisory Opinion in the Chagos Case]' (LLM Thesis, National Chengchi University Taiwan, 2021) 154, 186 <>, archived <>.
Mohd Marwan bin Khalilludin, 'Kebeerkesanan Pengurusan Harta di Skim Perumahan Strata Kos Sederhana' (Conference Paper, Seminar Penyelidikan JPPH Ke-14 & Kolokium Disertasi Pascasiswazah Ke-5, Institut Penilaian Negara Malaysia [Malaysian Institute of Surveyors], 13 September 2023) 89-107 <>, archived <>.
C P Au-Yong et al, 'Neglected Aspects and Maladaptation to Rules in Low-Cost Housing, Malaysia: Social Practices of Commoning' (2023) 23(3) Journal of Design and Built Environment 26-44.
Kim Guan Chong, 'Stakeholders’ perception on early briefing towards the reduction of strata disputes in Melaka' (Masters' Thesis, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023).
Noraziah Abu Bakar and Ruzita Azmi, 'The Legality of a Private Lease Scheme: Pull the Wool over the Purchaser's Eyes?' (2023) 21(3) Planning Malaysia: Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners 110.
Noraziah Abu Bakar et al, 'The Legal Implications of a Sale of Property by the Malaysian Developers under the Private Lease Scheme: In two minds?' (2021) 6(17) Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal 183 <>.
Tan Wee Vern, 'Proposed Framework for Two Tier Management Corporation for Integrated Strata Development' (PhD Thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2022).
Ainul Ashiqin Ahmad Shuhaimi et al, 'Enforcements and Offences under the Strata Management Act' (2022) 20(1) Planning Malaysia: Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners 36, 37.
Kim Guan Chong, Sabariah Eni and Edie Ezwan Mohd Safian, 'Impact of Having an Early Briefing among Residents/Owners in Reducing Strata Disputes in Malaysia' (2021) 15(S1) International Journal of Real Estate Studies 18, 24.
Mecnun Özlem, 'Adalar ve Kayalıklar Rejimi ve Deniz Alanları Sınırlandırılmasına Etkileri [The Regime of Islands and Rocks and their Effects on Maritime Boundary Delimitation]' (Masters' Thesis, Marmara Universitesi [Proquest Theses], 2023) 52 (n 320) <>.
Rashmi Raman, 'Changing of the guard: A geopolitical shift in the grammar of international law' in Frans Viljoen, Humphrey Sipalla, Foluso Adegalu (eds), Exploring African Approaches to International Law: Essays in Honour of Kéba Mbaye (Pretoria University Law Press, 2022) 107, 118 <>, archived at <>.